The purpose of the current study was to investigate the Educational Program of Parent Child Communication applied on mothers and fathers having a child at 5-6 age group on parent child relation and communication. A combined design was used in the study by gathering and analysing both qualitative and quantitative data. The working group of the study was made up of 60 parents, 30 in test and 30 in control group, having a child in 5-6 age group attending to an independent kindergarten acting under the Ministry of Education in the city of Isparta, the town of Keçiborlu. As a data collection tool, General Information Form, Child Parent Relation Scale and the Evaluation Tool for Parent Child Communication were used, and Child Parent Relation Scale and Program Evaluation Form were used for qualitative data. Mothers and fathers in the test group were applied Parent Child Communication Training Program in 12 sessions and no training was applied to mother and fathers in the control group. In the analysis of the data regarding the experimental dimension of the study, non-parametric statistics were used. While investigating the difference between pre and post test scores in the control group, Wilcoxon test was used, and while investigating the difference between the pre and post-test follow up test scores in the test group Friedman’s Two – Way Anova was used an in the case of having a significant difference multiple comparison tests were benefitted and the differences were determined. In the analysis of the qualitative data of the research, the technique of content analysis was used. At the end of the study, it was found that the Educational Program of Parent Child Communication had a positive effect on the relations and communications of mothers and fathers with their children. In the follow up tests carried out 6 weeks after the application, it was found that the effect of the program still lasted. Mothers and fathers expressed that they set up short and clear sentences that their child could easily understand after the Educational Program of Parent Child Communication, they used self-language, made empathy, had eye contact while listening their children, made involved listening by nodding their heads and agreed with them by touching on their back. In addition parents indicated that the program had a positive effect on their relations and communications with their children, they had good time with their children, played games and that they read books to their children. It was found that the program supported the relations of and communications of parents with their children.
Preschool period, communication, parent child relation, parent child communication