The study aimed to examine the effect of the mindful attention awareness level of sports sciences students on digital literacy. The study group consisted of 76 (39%) female and 119 (61%) male participants who study at the sports sciences faculty of a public university in the 2020-2021 academic year. In the process of data collection, the "Mindful Attention Awareness Scale" developed by Brown & Ryan (2003) and adapted to Turkish by Özyeşil, Arslan, Bıçak and Deniz (2011), and the "Digital Literacy Scale" developed by Ng (2012) and adapted into Turkish by Üstündağ, Güneş and Bahçıvan (2017) were used. The internal consistency coefficient obtained from the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale data was .83, and the coefficient obtained from the Digital Literacy Scale data set was .84. This study, in which the effect of the mindful attention awareness level of the students of the faculty of sports sciences on digital literacy was examined, was designed with the relational screening model. SPSS 22 Package Program was used to analyse the data and regression analysis, t-test and one-way ANOVA tests were performed. As a result, it was determined that the mindful attention awareness and digital literacy of the participants did not differ according to the gender variable. It was found that there was no statistically significant difference between mindfulness attention awareness and digital literacy and time spent on the internet. A positive and low-level relationship was found between the mindful attention awareness and digital literacy results of the participants.
University student, mindful attention awareness, digital literacy.